Rugby Club Starter Pack
Kick start your club's rugby journey and save money with the rugby starter kit.
The rugby starter kit is a comprehensive package designed to meet the needs of a new or growing rugby clubs, by providing essential equipment for training, practice, and matches for players at all levels.
Kit includes:
1. - designed for training at all levels - QTY - 10
2.- designed for club, school & junior rugby matches -QTY -2
3. - improve tackling skills while reducing impact on the body - QTY- 2
4. - develop key tackling & contact skills while reducing impact on the body - QTY 1
5. - brightly colored cones for organizing drills & marking boundaries for training - QTY - 1
6. - durable & spacious bag to easily transport and store balls & lightweight training goods - QTY- 1
7. - provides easy team differentiation during training sessions and scrimmages - QTY - 1